Attractions around Le Havre
Explore 58 attractions, restaurants, shops around Le Havre
4.5 (1452)
Eglise Saint-Joseph
130 Bd Francois 1er, 76600, Le Havre France
4.5 (953)
Musee d’art Moderne Andre Malraux - MuMa
2 boulevard Clemenceau, 76600, Le Havre France
The first thing you notice about the Musée d'art moderne André Malraux-MuMa Le Havre is its breathtaking coastal setting. As you approach the spacious, light-filled museum building, Henri-Georges Adam's monumental concrete sculpture The Signal heightens the experience, framing a slice of the maritime landscape that inspired many of the works in the museum's collections. Le Havre has nurtured artists like Monet, Dubuffet, Friesz, Dufy and Braque. And MuMa is a pillar of the city's art history. Inaugurated in 1961 by André Malraux, then France's Minister of Cultural Affairs, MuMa is known for its late-19th and 20th-century collections. From the Impressionists to the Fauves, the museum's collections have been enriched by gifts such as works from the studio of Eugène Boudin and the Marande donation. More recently, Hélène Senn-Foulds donated an impressive collection built up by her grandfather, Olivier Senn, in the early 20th century. Thanks to the donation, MuMa's collection of Impressionist works is today one of France's largest, and the public can now enjoy works by Renoir, Pissarro, Sisley, Degas, Courbet and Corot.
4.5 (857)
Les Jardins Suspendus
65 Rue du Fort 29 Rue Albert Copieux, 76620, Le Havre France
Depuis 2008, les Jardins Suspendus s’inscrivent dans le paysage havrais comme un lieu emblématique offrant un univers de découverte végétale et sensorielle. Ce site exceptionnel, situé dans un ancien fort d’une surface de 17 hectares, surplombe la baie de Seine et offre des points de vue admirables sur la mer, le port et la ville. Jardin remarquable dès 2014, puis « jardin botanique parrainé », Les Jardins suspendus sont reconnus en 2017 Jardin botanique agréé. Ouverture des jardins : D'avril à octobre de 9h à 20h / de novembre à mars de 9h à 17h Ouverture des serres de collection : - Du 10 avril au 30 septembre : tous les jours (10h30-12h30 / 13h45-17h) - Du 1er octobre au 14 novembre : les WE et jours fériés (10h30-12h30 / 13h45-17h) - fermeture du 15 novembre au 4 février 2022 - Du 5 février au 3 avril 2022 : les WE et jours fériés (10h30-12h30 / 13h45-17h)
4.0 (240)
La Plage du Havre
76600, Le Havre France
4.5 (239)
Musee Maison de L'Armateur
3 quai de l Ile, 76600, Le Havre France
Paul Michel Thibault (1735-1799), the architect of the fortifications and hydraulic engineer of the city of Le Havre, decided around 1790, to build a mansion in a wealthy and coveted district of the city. In 1800,Martin Pierre Foache (1728-1816), a wealthy merchant, bought the house for use as a winter residence and to install his trading office there. He called another architect, Pierre Adrien Paris, former designer for the king, to decorate the interior. The facade is typical of the architecture of The Louis XVI period. It is extremely carefully designed; the parquet flooring of rare and exotic wood adjoins stone-tiled floors with geometric designs. the rooms are laid out around a central octagonal light-well.
4.0 (213)
Cathedrale Notre-Dame
Rue de Paris, Le Havre France
4.0 (209)
Centre-ville reconstruit du Havre
76600, Le Havre France
4.5 (204)
Jardins de l'Hotel de Ville
Place De L_hotel De Ville, 76600, Le Havre France
4.5 (189)
Maison Du Patrimoine - Atelier Perret
181 rue de Paris, 76600, Le Havre France
4.5 (165)
Escape Yourself
61 rue de Fleurus, 76600, Le Havre France
Votre Live Escape Game au Havre Composez votre equipe de 3 a 6 joueurs et laissez-vous enfermer dans l'une de nos pieces a theme remplie d'enigmes, de codes a dechiffrer et de problemes de logique. Soyez soudes, et unissez vos forces et vos esprits pour parvenir a vous echapper dans les 60 minutes.
3.5 (153)
Centre Commercial Docks Vauban
70 quai Frissard, 76600, Le Havre France
4.0 (128)
Les Bains des Docks
112 quai de la Reunion, 76600, Le Havre France
4.5 (127)
Parc de Rouelles
Rue de la Bouteillerie, 76610, Le Havre France
4.0 (125)
Place General de Gaulle
Place General de Gaulle, Le Havre France
4.5 (114)
Bee Le Havre
Paris Street Perret Square, 76600, Le Havre France
Discover all the major monuments and panoramas of Le Havre with our iconic "Bee Le Havre City Tour" panoramic cabriolet bus, a 50-minute audio-guided tour with panoramic views to explore our rebuilt downtown Le Havre, its rich 500-year history, and its waterfront to the nearby seaside resort of Sainte-Adresse. You can also discover the wonders of Normandy with our BeeBus "Bee Le Havre Honfleur Tour" tourist shuttles between Le Havre and Honfleur, and our BeeBus "Bee Le Havre Deauville Tour" between Le Havre and Deauville. Finally, take advantage of your visit to Le Havre to find a wide selection of local products (magnets, postcards, mugs, miniature catenas, gift ideas...) in our souvenir store in the pedestrian streets of Le Havre (located at 15 rue Robert de la villehervé).